Sunday, July 25, 2021

Cannonball, ND -- 2021


Most folks remember Cannonball, ND as the site of those messy, violent DAPL "protest" camps.  I'm sure I told you that most of the anarchists were out-of-state folks.  That's proven by the fact that the Tribal Chairman during the riots, Archambault, was voted out of office by nearly 2 to 1.  They have voter ID (;>)  and his tribal members resoundingly voted for another candidate.

Anyway, during the tumult, Jane Fonda flew in and left the same day, Jesse Jackson flew in - got a fire started on that bridge - and then left.  A lot of the "protestors"actually spent another couple months there.  But - here's what Cannonball's annual powwow looks like now.  Lots of little kids with their regalia, holding hands with their parents or staying very close to their grandparents or a big sister.  Look at that little girl at   7:18 through 7:35.  I've never seen a sweeter face.  Her hair was freshly washed and braided beautifully.

Look at that soldier right after the 1 minute mark.  I don't know military garb, so don't know his branch of service - but "Hanoi Jane" is not highly regarded by any of them.  What a fierce, alert countenance.   

Toward the end of the video you'll see that the powwow grounds are completely circled in big, beautiful American flags.  

That's Cannonball now.  That was Cannonball before Jane's plane.

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