Sunday, June 23, 2019

"An Ode On A Bakken Blog" With Apologies To John Keats

From a reader. Much appreciated. 

My French is nonexistant, abysmal at its best
Yo hablo Espanol, poquito, on behest
Can count to 12 in Norske, and consider that a shame
Lutefisk and lefse and an old Norwegian name

I read a lot of books, when ere I had the chance
Unbound imagination, the images did dance
Mom described my dreams, when talking to another
as vivid, realistic, akin to Technicolor

So, poetry's to blame for my early "big word" years
"Runcible" and "peripatetic" were music to my ears
Mom read "Owl and the Pussycat" ( "Silver Churn and magnet", too)
I knew those poems by heart, when I first went to school

Later years brought other words, in dribs and drabs and hanks
And it was after college, 'fore I filled in some blanks
Working years brought other words, of legal, banking sorts
A needlepointing hobby - taught me the great word "orts"

I've picked up "heretofore'" a legal term when shared
with "previously notwithstanding", subsequently paired

But, then, just like the Hillbillies, the Bakken bubbled over
And new terms came a'gusher - and like a hog in clover
There's new words, new terms, maps and charts, and acronyms galore
I found a blogspot quite by chance, those posts I do adore

Keeps me current on the DUC's, the fracs, the mergers, acquisitions
Kept me curious, then furious at DAPL's hippie exhibitions
But  even though it's oil news... it's truly that I follow
Another quirk has been unearthed, and like I hog I wallow

Vocabulary!  Brand new words! and terms unheard and more
The Internet my searching quest,  created by Al Gore
But led down paths before untook, and countless rabbit holes
Why "singerie" and "Carver's cabin" were never language goals

But like "penultimate", "puisne" and measuring gas's conundrums
It's kept me entertained, no room for having humdrums

So, thanks, for Bakken News - a NoDak loud ovation
Visit Big Sky Montana, and have a great vacation.
Alas, the pipelines won't be done, when you return a Texican
And if I find a new word, I'll just save it for the lexicon.