Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Carver's Cabin -- August 7, 2018

This is about a book that is yet to be published. For all I know it has been written but the author and publisher cannot agree on a title. The inspiration for the book came from The Picture of Dorian Gray. But in this case, instead of being set in an English room with a portrait of a mad (?) man, it is set in a cabin in the Pacific Northwest.

The title: The Carver's Cabin.

Some weeks ago, passing articles back and forth with a reader, the eagle-eyed reader spotted this -- "... a two-story carver's cabin had been built."

Neither of us had heard of a carver's cabin and no amount of googling provided an answer. Overnight I heard from the reader. Apparently she was losing sleep over this issue. She e-mailed the writer of that newspaper article asking for the "meaning" of a carver's cabin.

Well, duh. It's a cabin in which one carvers.


Actually, it's so much more and so much more specific and so much more interesting.

It turns out to be a cabin -- at least in this story and in the Pacific Northwest -- where totem poles are carved.

To wit:

<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KmamiSi4meQ" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe></center><center>With Tom Lafortune</center>

Only one thing could have made this video better: a cameo appearance by "the log lady" from Twin Peaks.

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