Friday, June 25, 2021

Offta, DAPL, Was All The Rage; Until The Lawyers, Were Put In Cage -- June 25, 2021

Fort Peck to Standing Rock

So, I'm prowling around websites looking for reactions to Judge B's Minute Order dismissal.  

Standing Rock's Facebook page is silent on that matter; however, they just got a couple young buffalo bulls from Ft. Peck (originally from the Yellowstone herd).

Anyway, there's a couple photos of them being released near Ft. Yates, but this photo made me LOL

So, these two guys are right outside the corral where the buffalo were unloaded.  Looks like they're starting a sacred fire, in a sacred coffee can,  and probably smudging sage to bless the event.  There's another photo in the series and a drum group is ready to do a welcome song.  A nice event to acknowledge the addition.  I can smell that pasture and the critters.  ND at its finest. I always refer to it as cow heaven.  I would have liked to see a couple people horseback of course.

But, look at that kid's mask,... half mast mask. OMG.  In the middle of nowhere ND with a drum (unseen in this photo), sage burning in a tin can rigged with a little baling wire handle,  a buffalo skull and hand drum at the lower right corner, an Eddie Bauer briefcase... (;>)  He's wearing shorts and a tee shirt, the elder is in traditional Sioux Wranglers ---

My sarcastic thought ... "Wonder what color that snake is"

There are times I think I'll be struck dead by lightning.  


I can just imagine how gorgeous that lake looks, and the fresh air.  Cool nights...(;>)  What great memories that you're creating


Depending on whether or not I count the introductory and closing clauses, Judge B's dismissal is about 100 words.  Wonder what the various Sioux spent over 6 years.  Can't imagine it'd be less than $1,000,000 a year in legal fees and expenses.  We'll round it down to $5 million,  So, about $50,000 per word.  Put that in a tin can and smudge it.

That sounded mean, and that's not intentional.  But, it's just such a cavalier treatment to have such a brief (pardon the pun) ending.  Can you imagine the volume of  paper?  I know that most things would be advanced electronically, but there are paper copies produced for official record.  OMG.

Anyway, I know the tribes were pinning great hope on Biden - and are looking for him to count coup on DAPL and Enbridge.  They were heartened by the Keystone permit being pulled, and want him to do a couple encores of that.

There's nothing that would surprise me from the Biden folks.

So, not only am I wary of winning a battle and losing a war, I really don't want to gloat.

I wonder how S Rock grandmas feel about this.  That's a lot of money gone, and there are still homes without plumbing. 

As you know, Dave Archambault and the Council Member from Standing Rock were kicked to the curb in the election immediately following the protests (Mess cleaned up in the spring, regular election scheduled the succeeding fall).  It's really going to be interesting to see how their next elections turn out.   


The Dems will pivot to the next "Kumbayah" cause to keep inciting/exciting their voter base.  I wonder if it's going to be boarding schools?

Nature abhors a vacuum.  There is virtually nothing printed on DAPL after Boasberg's May ruling.  I've combed through the tribal websites, a couple pubs that carry current topics (Indianz, and Indian Country Today) ... it's just eerily quiet.

Eye of the hurricane, calm before the storm?  


Thanks so much for including that Minute Order in your blog.  None of the media were linking the doc, much the less noting how terse the dismissal was. A little too long for a Burma Shave sign - ha!  Well, that gives me an idea.  I've never played with that meter.  Here we go......

The DAPL suit
Is at an end
How much did
Your lawyers spend?

Burma Shave

Spent millions on
the DAPL suit
Judge dismissed it
What a hoot

Burma Shave

Jane Fonda's plane
burns gas still
You lost DAPL
Here's the bill

Burma Shave

Oy vey
have a great day
oofta, DAPL
was all the rage
until the lawyers
were put in cage

and all the tribes 
thought it sludge
but others thinking
like the judge

Some said it was
the big black snake
but we all knew
the news was fake

Misguided youths
see big bad oil
but never thought
Boasberg was their foil

Ninety feet deep
And out of sight
but some like
that CBR blight

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